A New Day


Hope this finds you well. I wanted to check-in and drop a few lines of encouragement in the midst of it all that’s going on in/around us. Let’s get right to it, shall we? It’s so easy to get wrapped in a negative mindset and disposition, have a warped thought process, complain, become stuck in the past, or even worry about our future. Being open to or exploring a different perspective from godly or secular counsel is always great and even necessary at times to help pull us out of a dark space. No matter what route we take, we are personally responsible and will be held accountable for everything we say and do in this life.

Personally, I have found a relationship with God through His Son Jesus is the only way of escape from darkness, and into freedom. A daily chat with Him and spending time in His Word serves as a healing balm, loving correction, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for our mind, body, and soul. In His presence is where I prefer to be now, and for Eternity. Make no mistake He’s a gentleman and won’t force Himself into our lives. We have the gift of free will, and it’s up to us to choose life in Him, or death (separation from Him now and Eternally).

He loves us. We’re all “human”, but that’s not an excuse to allow our humanity to conquer us. We must be willing to put that pride/sinful nature under subjection, and allow Jesus to be Lord over our life. Trust me I’ve had my own share of things that I’ve done that I’m not proud of and even experienced.  But guess what? If I wouldn’t have encountered those pits, problems, or circumstances, I wouldn’t be the person I am today and becoming. A new day is a clear indication that God has given us an opportunity to draw nearer to Him, and to serve others in whatever capacity He sees fit.

Friends, I challenge us all to examine how we approach these last and final days. No man knows the day or hour when our Lord and Savior Jesus will return (Matthew 24 or Mark 13), so NOW is the time get ourselves in order.

Until we meet again, I love you to life!


The Risen Warrior


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© Mrs. Candace A. Stevens, and TalithaCumi+3, [2020]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s/ website’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [Mrs. Candace A. Stevens] and [TalithaCumi+3] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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